Harkari in english- starting in march.

Harkari in english- starting in march.

The course is held from 8:15 to 16:05 the first day and 10:15 to 18:05 the second day.

In order to take this course, the person must have completed B/far, D or D1 qualifications. By purchasing this course you confirm that you have a B/far, D or D1 qualification.

65.500 kr.

10 laus sæti

10 laus sæti

The course is held from 8:15 to 16:05 the first day and 10:15 to 18:05 the second day.
With reference to law no. 120/2022 on taxis, the Transport Agency conducts a course for replacement taxi drivers/drivers at the Driving School in Mjódd. To get a replacement certificate issued by the Transport Agency, the applicant must meet the conditions according to 5 art. Law no. 120/2022 Has the appropriate professional qualifications as further stipulated in the regulation. Appropriate professional qualifications include that the person has an adequate driver’s license, has attended the required taxi driving courses and passed a test. Has a good reputation. When assessing reputation, it should be considered whether the person has been guilty of criminal conduct that gives reason to question his ability to work as a taxi driver or indicates that the person does not enjoy the necessary trust to be able to perform the job. If the offense was minor or five years have passed since the judgment was pronounced or the sanction was decided, a license may be granted. If the offense was serious and related to XXIII. section of the General Penal Code, permission shall not be granted until ten years have passed since the judgment was pronounced. If the offense concerned XXII. section of the General Penal Code shall not grant permission. Samgöngustofa is authorized to obtain information from the criminal record on whether the applicant has been guilty of criminal conduct. The minister is authorized to stipulate in a regulation that certain offenses or certain categories of offenses shall not affect the assessment of good reputation.
Has reached the age of 21 and has had a driving license for category B for at least three years. Students must have completed B/far – Taxi license or D, D1, to be able to attend the course.